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Relationship Coaching



Please Note: Relationship Coaching is NOT only for couples.  Individuals can participate in Relationship Enhancing Coaching



Relationship coaching is a type of therapy for established partners that tries  to resolve problems in the relationship. Typically, two people attend coaching sessions together to         discuss specific issues.  Many single people who have trouble with commitment or “finding the right one” often participate in Individual Relationship Coaching in order to change habits or become more self-aware about why they seek certain types of relationships.  Individuals often use this type of coaching to move past old relationships and prepare themselves to welcome a life partner who will grow with them.



Relationship coaching is based on research that shows that individuals and their problems are best handled within the context of their relationships (past or present). Relationship coaching (and Relationship Life Coaches) are trained in family systems and focus on understanding their clients’ symptoms and the way their interactions contribute to problems in the relationship.



Relationship coaching is usually a short-term therapy that may take only a few sessions to work out problems.  Typically,  Coaches ask questions about roles, patterns, rules, goals and beliefs.

Therapy often begins by having the couple or individual analyze the good and bad aspects of the relationship. The Coach works to help the couple or individual understand the issues and how each person contributes.  This leads to a realization of whether changes need to be made in behaviors or something more physical (setting, career, etc.).


Anyone wishing to improve his or her relationships can get help with this type of coaching. LC/Counselors also offer services to couples before they get married to help them understand potential problem areas.  


Another type of therapy, post-relationship therapy, can also be very helpful at the end of a relationship.  Sometimes divorcing couples will seek help to work out differences regarding children or unresolved emotional situations, as well as creating a plan of how to move forward without one another.  Individuals can benefit from post-relationship therapy to get through the grieving process and move on in a healthy way.


Normal results

Relationship coaching helps couples and individuals learn to deal more effectively with problems and can help prevent small problems from becoming serious.  Research shows that Relationship Coaching, when effective, tends to improve a person’s physical as well as mental health, in addition to improving the relationship.





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       Marsha Zimmerman Credentials:                                  Darlene McDowell/Owner Credentials:                     WKU BA Communications (Public & Interpersonal)                Hypnosis Motivational Institute College of Hypnotherapy       Study of Communications Theory and Humanities for Education   Fowler Wainwright International Masters Life Coaching         Expert Rating Specializing Life Coaching/Counseling           HMI Certification Handwriting Analysis and Profiler

 20+ years Teacher/Coach/Mentor/Consultant (Teens/Adults)      AHA Certification Hypnosis Specialist for PTSD     

 HMI  Motivational Personal Development Hypnotherapy           AHA Certification Hypnosis and Weight Loss Specialist                                                                       AHA Certification for Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation           Marsha Zimmerman's education, degrees, background and         AHA Certification for Neuro Linguistic Programming

 continuing education is able to extend her expertise in       AHA Certification Specialist for Sports/Athletic Performance

 the realm of Career (individual or corporate) Coaching,       AHA Certification Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator

 as well as Hypnotherapy, Relationship Coaching and            AHA Certification Hypnosis Specializing in Trauma Recovery

 Behavioral modification.                                      AHA Certification Hypnosis for Pain Management

                                                               IVS Training Academy Acupressure for Pain Relief

                                                               IVS Training Academy Gua Sha  (TCM)  

                                                               Chakra Energy Healing Certification 

                                                               American Hypnosis Association                                                                                               

                                                               Hypnotherapist's Union Local 472,OPEIU, AFL-CIO, CLC







                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Copyright 2009 *Darlene McDowell C.Ht, CPLC 



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